Make money from internet with is a program of CPM (cost per million) of new generating dollars on the internet. Bloggers will be paid by simply placing a banner ad on their blog. There is no need to click, just plug it, dollars will flow through our paypal. I’ve just joined one day get 0.13 dollars. For those disappointed with promotes burner (with member who just paid a small income, and profiadvert one who seems to college with promoteburner, and was disappointed with his PO skycpm who rose to be a minimum of $ 4 USD)

could try to plug EasyAd. Viewed from the income of this program is better than skycpm. And more interesting, because there is a new CPM program affiliate programs, where we will get paid 0.5 dollars if to invite friends to join.

To request skycpm Payout is the same as (first), only 1 dollar. Payout affiliate program for them if we managed to take at least 10 people to join (5 dollars). Soon the list, while not many people know about this program. When we managed to take 20 people alone, we’ve been able to get 10 dollars.
Click here to register,


Then put the ad code that they give the member area on the blog. Well, we just waited for our earning reaches 1 dollar to make a payout request. Easy right?

Want more income? Encourage others to sign up at Blogger easyad. We will pay 0.5 dollars each to invite friends to join. For who would join, please click on this banner

Well, you waiting for? Game list, invite friends and hunting dollars in

6 thoughts on “Make money with EasyAd

  1. wah aku udah pasang iklan nya .biasanya kalau ada orang yang klik iklannya kita dapat bayaran dari google tapi saat aku lihat di laporan adsense ternyata total klik yang ku dapatkan ternyata di bayar $0.00
    kenapa bisa begitu ya mas?

    1. @irvan : Khan ada perhitungan page impresionny. misalnya page impresion sama jumlah klik… 5klik:1000impresion pasti dapet 0,000… khan kalo ga salah dua digit di belakang koma.. 🙂 saya juga sering mendapakan 0 padahal klik ada belasan… untuk salah satu web saya… kebetulan dah saya bikin chanel untuk tiap domain.. jadi kita bisa tau domain mana aza yang menghasilkan paling banyak $$$.. 😀

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